Holiday Enforcement “Click It or Ticket” and “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” Campaign Results
The Harwood Heights Police Department conducted a holiday traffic safety campaign December 13, 2024-January 2, 2025 reminding motorists to buckle up and drive sober. The “Click It or Ticket” and “Driver Sober or Get Pulled Over” mobilization was conducted by the Harwood Heights Police Department and other state and local law enforcement agencies across Illinois… Read More: Holiday Enforcement “Click It or Ticket” and “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” Campaign Results
2024-25 Harwood Heights Snow Removal List
The Village of Harwood Heights is pleased to provide you with a list of persons who are available for snow removal this Winter season. They will only provide snow removal for Harwood Heights and bordering areas of Norridge. If you would like to be added as a shoveler to the snow removal list, please call… Read More: 2024-25 Harwood Heights Snow Removal List
MCD Board of Directors Meeting Schedule FY 2024-2025
In accordance with the applicable statutes of the State of Illinois and ordinances of the Village of Schiller Park, the Village of Harwood Heights and the Village of Norridge, notice is hereby given that meetings of the Municipal Consolidated Dispatch (MCD) Board of Directors occur the second Tuesday of every other month at 1:30 p.m.… Read More: MCD Board of Directors Meeting Schedule FY 2024-2025
Post Office Delay Issues
It appears that there are lags again in post office delivery. We have again made formal complaints to the local and main post office. Mayor Arlene Jezierny would like you to call our office 708-867-7200 so we can list those addresses in Harwood Heights that are experiencing delays or no mail at all. We will… Read More: Post Office Delay Issues