Building Department

Building Department

The Building Department reviews building plans, issues permits, and provides inspection services. Its purpose is to ensure that every residential and commercial property complies with all required codes.

The Department is also responsible for processing/maintaining business licenses and permits for all work being completed in the Village.

Strategic Comprehensive Plan 2011

Strategic Comprehensive Plan 2005

Ordinance No. 11-46 - Repealing & Replacing Title 17 of the Code of Ordinances with Zoning Code Text Amendments

Phone: (708) 867-7200
Fax: (708) 867-3038

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM


Jo Ann Krupa, Building Commissioner [email protected]
HOURS:  Monday - Friday  9:00am-5:00pm

Steve Marquardt, Plumbing Inspector  [email protected]
HOURS:  Wednesdays  9:00-11:00am

Tony Pecaro, Electrical Inspector  [email protected]
HOURS:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday  4:00-6:00pm

Szymon Wajda, Health Inspector


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