General Information
Red Light Ticket Info
The Village of Harwood Heights has a red-light enforcement camera located on Lawrence Ave. and Harlem Ave. This is also a No Turn on Red intersection. If you would like to view a violation, you can visit the website at If you would like to pay your ticket over the phone or if you have any questions regarding your violation, please call 866-331-7728.
The Village of Harwood Heights also has red-light enforcement cameras located at Eastbound Foster Ave. and Harlem Ave. and Eastbound Gunnison St. and Nagle Ave. Violations can be viewed at Tickets can be paid in-person at the Village Hall. If you would like to pay your ticket over the phone or if have any questions regarding your violation, please call at 877-262-3318.
Early Warning System
The Village of Harwood Heights is connected with Norridge and Norwood Park Township with an early warning system. This system is used to warn the residents of impending disasters such as tornados, as well as other natural disasters and Civil Defense emergencies.
At 10:00 am on the first Tuesday of each month, the system is tested. If you should hear the warning at any other time, please listen to the instructions that will be broadcast over the system.
State of Illinois Severe Weather Preparedness Guide
Per the Guide, "Severe weather can happen at any time of the year. Preparing for floods, tornadoes, and severe thunderstorms before they strike will help you stay safe throughout the year. To help people better prepare for weather emergencies, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and the National Weather Service developed this Severe Weather Preparedness Guide to help educate and better prepare Illinois residents for all hazards." To view the guide, click here.
Flag Etiquette
The proper display of our flag is part of the United States Code (Title 36, United States Code (USC), Chapter 10, as amended by Public Law 344, 94th Congress Approved July 7, 1976). Please visit The Flag of the United States for a wealth of information about our flag including its history, etiquette, and Frequently Asked Questions.