General Info

General Info

Street Maintenance

Street sweeping and maintenance runs from April 1 to November 30.  Please make sure to obey the street maintenance signs so the streets can be cleaned property and/or so necessary maintenance can be completed.  You do NOT have to move your vehicle(s) if your street maintenance falls on one of the following 13 Village holidays:

New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
President’s Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day

If the garbage pick-up is in front of your house, please keep your garbage cans on the parkway or driveway so the street sweeper does not hit them.

Please remember that is unlawful to sweep or blow any material, including yard waste, into the street.

Refuse Information for Single-Family Homes up to 3-Flat Buildings
Public Works cannot pick up large bulk items such as rugs, washers, dryers, or furniture.  For more information on how to dispose of large bulk waste, please see our Refuse and Landscape Waste Services page by clicking here.

Storm Water Pollution Solutions
Recycle or properly dispose of household products that contain chemicals such as insecticides, pesticides, paint, solvents, used motor oil, and other auto fluids.  Please do NOT pour them onto the ground or into storm drains.

Boil Orders
Orange boil order tags will be hung on your door if the need to issue a boil order is necessary.  It takes a minimum of 24 hours to get the results back from the laboratory.  As soon as the results are back, we will hang a blue tag on the door to tell you the boil order has been removed.  You can call the Village Hall at 708-867-7200 or the Police Dept. at 708-867-4353 if you cannot reach the Public Works Department at 708-867-7206.

Water Sprinkling Hours
You can water between the hours of 6:00 am – 10:00 am AND 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm


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