Snow Plowing

Snow Plowing

Snow plowing regulations begin December 1 thru March 31 when it snows 2 inches or more.   Please remember to observe the snow parking signs and move your car on the designated days so you are not ticketed.  Help the Public Works Department by removing your parked car from the streets when required by ordinance so the streets can be properly plowed and salted.

The Public Works Department tries to plow the streets back to the curb so when the snow melts the water can easily get to the drains.  We apologize in advance for any snow that comes back on you sidewalk or driveway, but we need to plow the streets back to the curb.

Plowing, shoveling, or blowing snow into the street is against the law.

If garbage pick-up is in the front of your house, please keep your garbage cans on the parkway or driveway so the snow plows do not hit them.

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