Opioid Crisis Prevention

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Opioid Crisis Prevention

The Village of Harwood Heights Police Department has been receiving quite a few calls regarding opioid overdoses.  As a result, we wanted to provide our residents with opioid overdose prevention information.

Per the Illinois Department of Public Health website, "Illinois has joined a group of other states in offering a statewide standing order with accompanying opioid overdose educational resources for naloxone (narcan) to all pharmacists and opioid Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution (OEND) programs. The statewide standing order allows pharmacists and naloxone training programs in Illinois to provide naloxone without a direct prescription to individuals at risk of an opioid overdose, as well as their family and friends and to others who may assist an individual suffering opioid-related overdose."  Narcan is (now) readily available at pharmacies, due to the opioid epidemic, and at other locations.

Please visit the Illinois Department of Public Health website https://dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/opioids/naloxone.html for informative details regarding the use of naloxone (narcan) during an overdose incident. 


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